Mongolian National Public Radio 106.0

Mongolian National Public Radio (Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн Радио) is the only nationwide public service radio. In the early 30-s the Central Committee of the governing Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party discussed the establishment of ‘air news’ or the first radio in Mongolia. In February 1933 the governments of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Soviet Union (USSR) signed a contract for developing radio broadcasting in Mongolia. The Mongolian Radio was established in 1934 and until 1990 its operations were governed by the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party. In 2005, with the adoption of the Law on Public Service Radio and Television the radio was transformed into a public service entity with new governing and organizational structures, a new broadcasting policy and financial mechanisms. Currently the Mongolian National Radio consists of four sub-entities: its first and second channels; the youth channel P3 and the news channel Khurd agency. The Mongolian National Radio has the biggest share in the audience market and it is also the most trusted radio according to nationwide opinion polls conducted by the Press Institute of Mongolia, MOMs local partner organisation. The highest governing body of the Mongolian National Radio is the Board of Governors of the Mongolian National Broadcaster (MNB). According to the Law on Public Service Television and Radio, the Governing Board consists of 15 members being appointed by Government, Parliament and President. The Board approves programming policy of the radio and proposes its annual budget to Parliament. The Board appoints the General Director. Currently, the General Director of MNB is Ms. Ts. Oyundari and the director of the Mongolian National Radio is Mr. B. Bayarsaikhan. Before becoming MNBs General Director in January 2015, Ms. Ts. Oyundari was the Secretary General of the Democratic Party (DP). The appointment was directly influenced by the Democratic Party which was in power at the time. The director of the Mongolian National Radio, Mr. Ts. Bayarsaikhan is a literature analyst who has been working for the National radio for many years. He does not have political affiliations. MNB Radio and Television programmes are supported by the state through an annual subsidy which was MNT 3, 9 billion (US$2, 2 million) in 2015. In addition each household in Ulaanbaatar pays 1.100 MNT (50 US cents) per month and rural households pay 600 -800 MNT per month.With regard to programming policy, the Mongolian National Radio, in line with the law on Public Service Radio and Television, has to serve public interests by providing pluralistic programs that cover the needs and interests of various groups in society. The National Radio offers a wide variety of programs and the range of programs is incomparable to commercial radio content.
Audience Share
MD not measurable
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
Group: Mongolian National Broadcaster
Ownership Structure
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
State. 2005 Law on Public Service Television and Radio.
Affiliated Interests Founder
According to the Law on Public Service Television and Radio, the Governing Board consists of 15 members being appointed by Government, Parliament and President. The Board approves programming policy of the radio and proposes its annual budget to Parliament.
Currently, the General Director of MNB is Ms. Ts. Oyundari and the director of the Mongolian National Radio is Mr. B. Bayarsaikhan. The highest governing body of the Mongolian National Radio is the Board of Governors of the Mongolian National Broadcaster
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Before becoming MNBs General Director in January 2015, Ms. Ts. Oyundari was the Secretary General of the Democratic Party (DP). The appointment was directly influenced by the Democratic Party which was in power at the time.
The director of the Mongolian National Radio, Mr. Ts. Bayarsaikhan is a literature analyst who has been working for the National radio for many years. He does not have political affiliations.
B. Bayarsaikhan, Director of Radio T. Batzorig, General Producer Heads of departments: B. Soninchimeg, Ts. Bavuudorj, Ts. Sosorburam Z. Densmaa P. Nyamlhagva B. Batbold д B. Lhagvasuren
Other Important People
Government, Parliament and President: they appoint the Governing Board. The Board approves programming policy of the radio and proposes its annual budget to Parliament.
Affiliated Interests other important people
Government and Parliament naturally consist of political party members.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Advertising revenue: 10,548,656,100.00 MNT
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Private advertising revenue: 6,499,710,300.00 MNT. Public advertising revenue: 4,048,945,800.00 MNT
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
MNB has submitted the MOM questionnaire. In addition, information was collected from MNB’s website which is publicly available.
Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia Document ID-1; ; MOM questionnaire;